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Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 20:43:23 +0000
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] My X11 mouse icons have acquired unwanted borders.
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On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 03:41:32PM +0200, Jes=FAs J. Guerrero Botella wro=
> 2011/10/16 Alan Mackenzie <>:

> > On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 01:41:21PM +0200, Jes=FAs J. Guerrero Botella=

> That probably confirms it's not a gnome issue. The cursor is an X
> thing, in any case.

> >> Also, did you update the driver (whatever it is) recently?

> > Ah. =A0I synched yesterday, and a massive number of packages were upd=
> > among them xorg-drivers. =A0That'll be it, I suppose.

> That package is kind of a wrapper around the driver packages, which
> are many. You install xorg-drivers as a dependency of xorg-server, and
> depending on your VIDEO_CARDS settings in make.conf the relevant
> driver packages are also pushed as dependencies into your system.

My setting is 'VIDEO_CARDS=3D"radeonhd radeon"'.  I've got two there
because I was never sure which one was the right one.  I've got a card
based on a Radeon HD4550  ;-(

> > Presumably I can configure these drivers somewhere, perhaps in
> > ~/.xinitrc? =A0Is there any documentation for this?

> Let us know what your driver is ...

Not quite sure what you mean here.  Do you mean my VIDEO_CARDS?  Other
than that, I've got two binary blobs in my kernel, radeon/R600_rlc.bin
and radeon/R700_rlc.bin.  (Again, I'm not sure which is the correct one.)

> ... so we can give more concrete details.  But video drivers, just like
> any other thing that's part of X, can be configured at
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf or, more recently, in separate files under
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/.

I'll go for a monolithic config rather than a fragmented one.  :-)

> Some drivers (like, again, the nvidia binary one) do ship tools that
> can help you configure the driver by writing to these files via a GUI
> frontend. The concrete options that you can put into this files depend
> on the concrete driver. For example, the man page for my driver
> (xf86-video-ati) can be seen by using

> # man radeon

> There I can see all the available options.

> If you let us know what driver are you using, then maybe someone who's
> familiar with your driver can provide you with more accurate help.

> --=20
> Jes=FAs Guerrero Botella

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).