When using R on my Gentoo machine, whether in interactive or in batch mode, calling `help()' causes the following error: Error in strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE) : 'split' string 1 is invalid UTF-8 When in interactive mode, typing any function with an opening bracket (eg. `help(') and then pressing tab (intending to get a command completion) causes the same error. Above is the situation in the default locale on my machine, `en_GB.UTF-8'; and with LANG=C, this does not happen. My Gentoo system is updated daily with global ~amd64 keyword in use. Available locales as following: C, en_GB.UTF-8, POSIX USE flags of dev-lang/R (version: 2.13.1) as following: X bash-completion cairo jpeg nls openmp perl png readline -doc -java -lapack -minimal -profile -static-libs -tk Sorry to report this in the mail list, but there's some difficulties in accessing for me. Please tell me if this is inappropriate. -- Using GPG/PGP? Please get my current public key (ID: 0xAEF6A134, valid from 2010 to 2013) from a key server.