Hi there, I want to access my LDAP-data from anywhere on the internet but I only get it working on localhost. I installed OpenLDAP 2.4.24, and tried to do the tutorial at http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialLDAP.html The LDAP database works fine from localhost with ldapsearch -vLx -b "o=stooges" "(sn=Fine)" -h localhost but if I try to do it from the outside (ie. the IP address my router gave me via DHCP) ldapsearch -vLx -b "o=stooges" "(sn=Fine)" -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx I get the output "ldap_initialize( ldap://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx )" and the client hangs. The slapd server prints slap_listener_activate(6): >>> slap_listener(ldap:///) connection_get(17): got connid=1000 connection_read(17): checking for input on id=1000 ber_get_next ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents: op tag 0x60, time 1314787890 ber_get_next conn=1000 op=0 do_bind ber_scanf fmt ({imt) ber: ber_scanf fmt (m}) ber: >>> dnPrettyNormal: <> <<< dnPrettyNormal: <>, <> do_bind: version=3 dn="" method=128 send_ldap_result: conn=1000 op=0 p=3 send_ldap_response: msgid=1 tag=97 err=0 ber_flush2: 14 bytes to sd 17 do_bind: v3 anonymous bind and hangs at this point until I Ctrl-C the client or wait approx. 5 Minutes. Does anybody successfully installed an LDAP-service with access from the outside? What is the content of slapd.conf? Did I miss anything else? Thank you for any suggestions Johannes -- ------//-------------------------------------------------------------- // PGP at https://pegasos.dnsalias.org/~jgeiss/pgpkey.txt \\ // Johannes R. Geiss Pandora, Zaurus, Pegasos, Amiga and C64 --\X/-----------------------------------------------------------------