On Tuesday 26 April 2011 23:27:06 Harry Putnam wrote: > Mick writes: > >> After turning remote admin on, and setting a single IP address to be > >> able to connect... I still cannot access it for remote admin on 8080. > > > > Did you try this from the Internet, or from within your LAN? > > Inside lan. I guess you are saying that connection is expected be from > outside? Well, I don't really know what we're dealing with here. If it were a pure Cisco machine (as opposed to a Linksys) then it may not have loopback configured and the "remote" admin would only be accessible from the WAN. It would truly be remote access. > Haven't had the opportunity for that yet. The only remote machine I > have access is to is a shell account on a gentoo machine, so lynx, and > I've seen on home lan that the device responds to lynx telling me I > need a newer browser, when I hit it by IP using lynx. > > Jumping up the thread a bit now, after Pauls excellent input. I see > that iptables cmd is known on the OS, but man I really had not wanted > to pound my way thru iptables to the point of competency. Count yourself lucky. I'd rather have to deal with Linux IP Tables than IOS any time! Once you access it via telnet, have a look for any log rules in IP Tables (/sbin/iptables -L -v -n) and perhaps all we need to do is modify those. -- Regards, Mick