Am Mittwoch, 18. August 2010 schrieb Mick: > On Wednesday 18 August 2010 19:58:14 Frank Steinmetzger wrote: > > > Just adding to this, the £ sign works fine on the console. It is the X > > > applications (including terminals) that seem to have the problem with > > > the '£' sign. > > > > I assume you use KDE because you mention KMail. What have you set in > > KDE’s keyboard layout (Personal -> Regional Settings)? (Or if not KDE, > > then in $your_DE’s settingss) > > Yes, this box is running KDE. > > The regional settings show "United Kingdom". Hm.. either here’s a misunderstanding or you looked at the wrong place (because in Regional Settings, there is also a tab with "Region" in its name). I meant the active layout in the "Keyboard Layout" tab, where you have dozens of countries to chose from and where you can enable/disable the display of a flag in the tray area. Did you mean that one? -- Gruß | Greetings | Qapla' Pilot: Radar, Good Day, Airforce Blackbird, request FL 600 Controller (with a chuckle): Sir, if you can reach, you are cleared FL 600 Pilot: US Air Force Blackbird, leaving FL 800, descending Level 600