Am Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010 schrieb Walter Dnes: > I just got a brand new custom-built 8 gig machine. [...] > Anyhow, I have 8 gigs of ram on the sytem (will obviously be 64-bit > Gentoo) and I want to know how much swap I need. The general rule of > thumb is twice the ram. In this case, it would be 16 gigs. I think > that it may not need swap when up, unless I do some heavy duty stuff. > My main concern about a swap partition is how much I need for > hibernate-to-disk to work. Is there a rule about this, or should I > simply allocate 16 gigs out of my terabyte drive, and play it safe? It of course depends on your usage profile. I have a laptop with 3 Gigs of RAM without swap. I don’t do really fancy stuff on them. Noteworthy things: Blender, X-Plane (flight sim), Hugin, some small VMs and of course the occasional compiling. Mostly, I do only one of those at one time. I even have set up a ramdisk in /var/tmp/portage for emerge. Except for kdelibs its 1.5 Gigs are more than enough. And if the ramdisk is empty, the free space is used for RAM. -- Gruß | Greetings | Qapla' The first time you’ll get a Microsoft product that doesn’t suck will be the day they start producing vacuum cleaners.