root@osage tmp # emerge -d ant-junit myaction None myopts {'--color': u'n', '--debug': True, '--buildpkg': True, '--with-bdeps': u'y'} myparams {'recurse': True} Calculating dependencies . Arg: ant-junit Atom: dev-java/ant-junit ebuild: dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1 Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: dev-java/junit:0 >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2 >=virtual/jdk-1.4 >=virtual/jre-1.4 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1 !dev-java/ant-tasks Priority: buildtime Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: dev-java/junit:0 >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1 !dev-java/ant-tasks Priority: buildtime Candidates: ['~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1', '>=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2', '>=sys-apps/portage-', '>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1', 'dev-java/junit:0', '!dev-java/ant-tasks'] ebuild: dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1-r4 installed: dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1-r4 ebuild: dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r4 installed: dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r3 ebuild: sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67 installed: sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67 ebuild: dev-java/java-config-2.1.11 installed: dev-java/java-config-2.1.11 ebuild: dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1 installed: dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1 Exiting... ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: dev-java/junit:0 dev-java/xalan:0 >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- >=virtual/jre-1.4 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1 Priority: runtime Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: dev-java/junit:0 dev-java/xalan:0 >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1 Priority: runtime Candidates: ['dev-java/junit:0', '~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1', 'dev-java/xalan:0', '>=sys-apps/portage-', '>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1'] installed: dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1 installed: dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1-r4 ebuild: dev-java/xalan-2.7.1 installed: dev-java/xalan-2.7.1 installed: sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67 installed: dev-java/java-config-2.1.11 Exiting... ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: >=virtual/jre-1.4 Priority: runtime ebuild: virtual/jre-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jre-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jre-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.5.0 Virtual Parent: ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.6.0', 'nomerge') Virtual Depstring: || ( =virtual/jdk-1.6.0* =dev-java/sun-jre-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/ibm-jre-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/diablo-jre-bin-1.6.0* ) ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 Virtual Parent: ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) x86? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/hp-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/diablo-jdk-1.6.0* =dev-java/soylatte-jdk-bin-1.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/winjdk-bin-1.6.0* ) ebuild: dev-java/icedtea6-bin-1.7.2 ebuild: dev-java/icedtea6-bin-1.7.2 ebuild: dev-java/icedtea- installed: dev-java/icedtea- ebuild: dev-java/icedtea- installed: dev-java/icedtea- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- installed: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- installed: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 ebuild: dev-java/sun-jre-bin- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jre-bin- Virtual Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.5.0', 'merge') Virtual Depstring: || ( =virtual/jdk-1.5.0* =dev-java/sun-jre-bin-1.5.0* ) ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 Virtual Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.5.0', 'merge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/jrockit-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.5.0* ) ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.6.0 installed: virtual/jre-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.5.0 Candidates: ['=virtual/jre-1.6.0'] Candidates: virtual/jdk-1.6.0: ['=dev-java/icedtea-6*'] ebuild: dev-java/icedtea- installed: dev-java/icedtea- Candidates: virtual/jre-1.6.0: ['=virtual/jdk-1.6.0'] installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 Exiting... ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: >=virtual/jre-1.4 Priority: buildtime installed: virtual/jre-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.5.0 Virtual Parent: ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.6.0', 'nomerge') Virtual Depstring: || ( =virtual/jdk-1.6.0* =dev-java/sun-jre-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/ibm-jre-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/diablo-jre-bin-1.6.0* ) installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 Virtual Parent: ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) x86? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/hp-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/diablo-jdk-1.6.0* =dev-java/soylatte-jdk-bin-1.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/winjdk-bin-1.6.0* ) ebuild: dev-java/icedtea6-bin-1.7.2 ebuild: dev-java/icedtea6-bin-1.7.2 installed: dev-java/icedtea- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- installed: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- installed: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jre-bin- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jre-bin- Virtual Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.5.0', 'merge') Virtual Depstring: || ( =virtual/jdk-1.5.0* =dev-java/sun-jre-bin-1.5.0* ) ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 Virtual Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.5.0', 'merge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/jrockit-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.5.0* ) ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: dev-java/sun-jdk- ebuild: virtual/jdk-1.5.0 installed: virtual/jre-1.6.0 ebuild: virtual/jre-1.5.0 Candidates: ['=virtual/jre-1.6.0'] Candidates: virtual/jdk-1.6.0: ['=dev-java/icedtea-6*'] Candidates: virtual/jre-1.6.0: ['=virtual/jdk-1.6.0'] Exiting... ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') Depstring: >=virtual/jdk-1.4 Priority: buildtime installed: virtual/jdk-1.6.0 Virtual Parent: ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) x86-linux? ( dev-java/icedtea6-bin ) amd64? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) x86? ( =dev-java/icedtea-6* ) amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.6.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/hp-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/diablo-jdk-1.6.0* =dev-java/soylatte-jdk-bin-1.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.6.0* =dev-java/winjdk-bin-1.6.0* ) Virtual Parent: ('ebuild', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.5.0', 'merge') Virtual Depstring: || ( amd64? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) amd64-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-linux? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) x86-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) sparc64-solaris? ( =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5.0* ) =dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/jrockit-jdk-bin-1.5.0* =dev-java/apple-jdk-bin-1.5.0* ) Candidates: ['=virtual/jdk-1.6.0'] Candidates: virtual/jdk-1.6.0: ['=dev-java/icedtea-6*'] Exiting... ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') digraph: ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') depends on ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/xalan-2.7.1', 'nomerge') (runtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1-r4', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/java-config-2.1.11', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.6.0', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r3', 'nomerge') (buildtime) ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') depends on ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/icedtea-', 'nomerge') (runtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/xalan-2.7.1', 'nomerge') (no children) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1-r4', 'nomerge') (no children) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/java-config-2.1.11', 'nomerge') (no children) ant-junit depends on ('ebuild', '/', 'dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1', 'merge') (soft) ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jre-1.6.0', 'nomerge') depends on ('installed', '/', 'virtual/jdk-1.6.0', 'nomerge') (runtime) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/junit-3.8.2-r1', 'nomerge') (no children) ('installed', '/', 'sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67', 'nomerge') (no children) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r3', 'nomerge') (no children) ('installed', '/', 'dev-java/icedtea-', 'nomerge') (no children) ebuild: dev-lang/python-2.6.5-r2 installed: dev-lang/python-2.6.4-r1 installed: dev-lang/python-3.1.1-r1 installed: dev-lang/python-3.1.1-r1 ... done! >>> Verifying ebuild manifests >>> Emerging (1 of 1) dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1 * apache-ant-1.7.1-src.tar.bz2 RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ... [ ok ] * ant-1.7.1-gentoo.tar.bz2 RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking ebuild checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking auxfile checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking miscfile checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] + source /etc/portage/bashrc ++ [[ dev-java/ant-junit == sys-apps-test/portage-test ]] + set +x + dyn_clean + '[' -z /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1 ']' + '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1 ']' + hasq chflags assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch + [[ assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch == *\ \c\h\f\l\a\g\s\ * ]] + rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/image /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/homedir + rm -f /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.installed + [[ ebuild = binary ]] + hasq keeptemp assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch + [[ assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch == *\ \k\e\e\p\t\e\m\p\ * ]] + hasq keepwork assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch + [[ assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch == *\ \k\e\e\p\w\o\r\k\ * ]] + rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp + [[ ebuild = binary ]] + hasq keepwork assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch + [[ assume-digests buildpkg buildsyspkg distlocks fixpackages news parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch == *\ \k\e\e\p\w\o\r\k\ * ]] + rm -f /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.ebuild_changed /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.exit_status /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.logid /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.unpacked /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.prepared /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.configured /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.compiled /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.tested /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.packaged /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.die_hooks + rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/build-info + rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/work + '[' -f /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/.unpacked ']' + rm -rf /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/distdir + cd /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/../.. + rmdir /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1 /var/tmp/portage/dev-java + true + set +x + source /etc/portage/bashrc ++ [[ dev-java/ant-junit == sys-apps-test/portage-test ]] + set +x + source /usr/portage/dev-java/ant-junit/ant-junit-1.7.1.ebuild ++ EAPI=1 ++ inherit ant-tasks ++ ECLASS_DEPTH=1 ++ [[ 1 > 1 ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ local location ++ local olocation ++ local x ++ local PECLASS= ++ local prev_export_funcs_var= ++ local B_IUSE ++ local B_DEPEND ++ local B_RDEPEND ++ local B_PDEPEND ++ '[' ant-tasks ']' ++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass ++ olocation= ++ export ECLASS=ant-tasks ++ ECLASS=ant-tasks ++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_1 ++ unset __export_functions_1 ++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++ hasq ant-tasks toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \a\n\t\-\t\a\s\k\s\ * ]] ++ '[' -n '' ']' ++ debug-print 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' ++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++ '[' 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' ']' ++ '[' '' == on ']' ++ '[' -n '' ']' ++ echo 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' ++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++ shift ++ '[' '' ']' ++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass ']' ++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass == '' ']' ++ set -f ++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++ '[' '' = set ']' ++ '[' '' = set ']' ++ '[' '' = set ']' ++ '[' '' = set ']' ++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++ set +f ++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass +++ shopt ++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++ local retval ++ source /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass +++ JAVA_ANT_DISABLE_ANT_CORE_DEP=true +++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_ALL=no +++ inherit versionator java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 +++ ECLASS_DEPTH=2 +++ [[ 2 > 1 ]] +++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ [[ -n ant-tasks ]] +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ local location +++ local olocation +++ local x +++ local PECLASS=ant-tasks +++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_1 +++ local B_IUSE +++ local B_DEPEND +++ local B_RDEPEND +++ local B_PDEPEND +++ '[' versionator ']' +++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++ olocation= +++ export ECLASS=versionator +++ ECLASS=versionator +++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ debug-print 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ']' +++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass == '' ']' +++ set -f +++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++ shopt +++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++ local retval +++ source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++ retval=0 +++ set +e ++++ shopt +++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++ return 0 +++ set -f +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset DEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset RDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++ shift +++ '[' java-pkg-2 ']' +++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass +++ olocation= +++ export ECLASS=java-pkg-2 +++ ECLASS=java-pkg-2 +++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++ hasq java-pkg-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\-\2\ * ]] +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ debug-print 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass ']' +++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass == '' ']' +++ set -f +++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass ++++ shopt +++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++ local retval +++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass ++++ inherit java-utils-2 ++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=3 ++++ [[ 3 > 1 ]] ++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ [[ -n java-pkg-2 ]] ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ local location ++++ local olocation ++++ local x ++++ local PECLASS=java-pkg-2 ++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ local B_IUSE ++++ local B_DEPEND ++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' java-utils-2 ']' ++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ++++ olocation= ++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 ++++ unset __export_functions_3 ++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ debug-print 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ']' ++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass == '' ']' ++++ set -f ++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass +++++ shopt ++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++ local retval ++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass +++++ inherit eutils versionator multilib +++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=4 +++++ [[ 4 > 1 ]] +++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ [[ -n java-utils-2 ]] +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ local location +++++ local olocation +++++ local x +++++ local PECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 +++++ local B_IUSE +++++ local B_DEPEND +++++ local B_RDEPEND +++++ local B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' eutils ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=eutils +++++ ECLASS=eutils +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ++++++ inherit multilib portability ++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=5 ++++++ [[ 5 > 1 ]] ++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ [[ -n eutils ]] ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ local location ++++++ local olocation ++++++ local x ++++++ local PECLASS=eutils ++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ local B_IUSE ++++++ local B_DEPEND ++++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' multilib ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=multilib ++++++ ECLASS=multilib ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes +++++++ [[ -z '' ]] +++++++ inherit toolchain-funcs +++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=6 +++++++ [[ 6 > 1 ]] +++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' +++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' ']' +++++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' +++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ [[ -n multilib ]] +++++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++++ local location +++++++ local olocation +++++++ local x +++++++ local PECLASS=multilib +++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 +++++++ local B_IUSE +++++++ local B_DEPEND +++++++ local B_RDEPEND +++++++ local B_PDEPEND +++++++ '[' toolchain-funcs ']' +++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass +++++++ olocation= +++++++ export ECLASS=toolchain-funcs +++++++ ECLASS=toolchain-funcs +++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_6 +++++++ unset __export_functions_6 +++++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++++ hasq toolchain-funcs toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \t\o\o\l\c\h\a\i\n\-\f\u\n\c\s\ * ]] +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ debug-print 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' +++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++++ '[' 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' ']' +++++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ echo 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' +++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass ']' +++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass == '' ']' +++++++ set -f +++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass ++++++++ shopt +++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++++ local retval +++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass ++++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_TOOLCHAIN_FUNCS=yes ++++++++ [[ -z yes ]] ++++++++ DESCRIPTION='Based on the toolchain-funcs eclass' +++++++ retval=0 +++++++ set +e ++++++++ shopt +++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++++ return 0 +++++++ set -f +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset DEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset RDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++++ unset __export_functions_6 +++++++ hasq toolchain-funcs toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \t\o\o\l\c\h\a\i\n\-\f\u\n\c\s\ * ]] +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++++++ export ECLASS=multilib +++++++ ECLASS=multilib +++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 +++++++ return 0 +++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' +++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' +++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ export CFLAGS_default +++++++ export LDFLAGS_default +++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' portability ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=portability ++++++ ECLASS=portability ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++++ export ECLASS=eutils ++++++ ECLASS=eutils ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ return 0 ++++++ DESCRIPTION='Based on the eutils eclass' ++++++ has 1 0 1 2 ++++++ hasq 1 0 1 2 ++++++ [[ 0 1 2 == *\ \1\ * ]] ++++++ EPATCH_SOURCE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/work/patch ++++++ EPATCH_SUFFIX=patch.bz2 ++++++ EPATCH_OPTS='-g0 -E --no-backup-if-mismatch' ++++++ EPATCH_EXCLUDE= ++++++ EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG= ++++++ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG='Applying various patches (bugfixes/updates) ...' ++++++ EPATCH_FORCE=no +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' versionator ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=versionator +++++ ECLASS=versionator +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' multilib ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=multilib +++++ ECLASS=multilib +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes ++++++ [[ -z yes ]] ++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' ++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' ++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++ export CFLAGS_default ++++++ export LDFLAGS_default ++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 +++++ return 0 +++++ IUSE=elibc_FreeBSD +++++ export WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 +++++ WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 +++++ hasq 1 0 1 +++++ [[ 0 1 == *\ \1\ * ]] +++++ JAVA_PKG_PORTAGE_DEP='>=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ JAVA_PKG_E_DEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ hasq source +++++ [[ == *\ \s\o\u\r\c\e\ * ]] +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ JAVA_PKG_ALLOW_VM_CHANGE=yes +++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILER_DIR=/usr/share/java-config-2/compiler +++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILERS_CONF=/etc/java-config-2/build/compilers.conf +++++ JAVA_PKG_QA_VIOLATIONS=0 +++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-extra-env +++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV_VARS= +++++ JAVA_PKG_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-depend +++++ JAVA_PKG_OPTIONAL_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-optional-depend +++++ JAVA_PKG_BUILD_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-build-depend +++++ hasq java-pkg_die +++++ [[ == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\_\d\i\e\ * ]] +++++ EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS=' java-pkg_die' ++++ retval=0 ++++ set +e +++++ shopt ++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++ return 0 ++++ set -f ++++ '[' set = set ']' ++++ export 'E_IUSE= elibc_FreeBSD' ++++ E_IUSE=' elibc_FreeBSD' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset DEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset RDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ unset __export_functions_3 ++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++ export ECLASS=java-pkg-2 ++++ ECLASS=java-pkg-2 ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ return 0 ++++ IUSE= ++++ DEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++ RDEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++ [[ dev-java = dev-java ]] ++++ [[ ant-junit = commons-* ]] ++++ case "${EAPI:-0}" in ++++ EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_compile pkg_preinst ++++ '[' -z java-pkg-2 ']' ++++ eval '__export_functions_2+="' pkg_setup src_compile 'pkg_preinst"' +++++ __export_functions_2+=' pkg_setup src_compile pkg_preinst' +++ retval=0 +++ set +e ++++ shopt +++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++ return 0 +++ set -f +++ '[' set = set ']' +++ export 'E_IUSE= elibc_FreeBSD ' +++ E_IUSE=' elibc_FreeBSD ' +++ '[' set = set ']' +++ export 'E_DEPEND= >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++ E_DEPEND=' >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++ '[' set = set ']' +++ export 'E_RDEPEND= >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++ E_RDEPEND=' >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset DEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset RDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ [[ -n pkg_setup src_compile pkg_preinst ]] +++ for x in '${!__export_funcs_var}' +++ debug-print 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_setup -> java-pkg-2_pkg_setup' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_setup -> java-pkg-2_pkg_setup' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_setup -> java-pkg-2_pkg_setup' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ declare -F java-pkg-2_pkg_setup +++ eval 'pkg_setup() { java-pkg-2_pkg_setup "$@" ; }' +++ for x in '${!__export_funcs_var}' +++ debug-print 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: src_compile -> java-pkg-2_src_compile' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: src_compile -> java-pkg-2_src_compile' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: src_compile -> java-pkg-2_src_compile' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ declare -F java-pkg-2_src_compile +++ eval 'src_compile() { java-pkg-2_src_compile "$@" ; }' +++ for x in '${!__export_funcs_var}' +++ debug-print 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_preinst -> java-pkg-2_pkg_preinst' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_preinst -> java-pkg-2_pkg_preinst' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'EXPORT_FUNCTIONS: pkg_preinst -> java-pkg-2_pkg_preinst' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ declare -F java-pkg-2_pkg_preinst +++ eval 'pkg_preinst() { java-pkg-2_pkg_preinst "$@" ; }' +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ hasq java-pkg-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\-\2\ * ]] +++ shift +++ '[' java-ant-2 ']' +++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass +++ olocation= +++ export ECLASS=java-ant-2 +++ ECLASS=java-ant-2 +++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++ hasq java-ant-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\a\n\t\-\2\ * ]] +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ debug-print 'inherit: java-ant-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'inherit: java-ant-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'inherit: java-ant-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass ']' +++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass == '' ']' +++ set -f +++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass ++++ shopt +++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++ local retval +++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-ant-2.eclass ++++ inherit java-utils-2 ++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=3 ++++ [[ 3 > 1 ]] ++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ [[ -n java-ant-2 ]] ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ local location ++++ local olocation ++++ local x ++++ local PECLASS=java-ant-2 ++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ local B_IUSE ++++ local B_DEPEND ++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' java-utils-2 ']' ++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ++++ olocation= ++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 ++++ unset __export_functions_3 ++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ debug-print 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ']' ++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass == '' ']' ++++ set -f ++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass +++++ shopt ++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++ local retval ++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass +++++ inherit eutils versionator multilib +++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=4 +++++ [[ 4 > 1 ]] +++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ [[ -n java-utils-2 ]] +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ local location +++++ local olocation +++++ local x +++++ local PECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 +++++ local B_IUSE +++++ local B_DEPEND +++++ local B_RDEPEND +++++ local B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' eutils ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=eutils +++++ ECLASS=eutils +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ++++++ inherit multilib portability ++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=5 ++++++ [[ 5 > 1 ]] ++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ [[ -n eutils ]] ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ local location ++++++ local olocation ++++++ local x ++++++ local PECLASS=eutils ++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ local B_IUSE ++++++ local B_DEPEND ++++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' multilib ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=multilib ++++++ ECLASS=multilib ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes +++++++ [[ -z yes ]] +++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' +++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' +++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ export CFLAGS_default +++++++ export LDFLAGS_default +++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' portability ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=portability ++++++ ECLASS=portability ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_5 ++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++++ export ECLASS=eutils ++++++ ECLASS=eutils ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ return 0 ++++++ DESCRIPTION='Based on the eutils eclass' ++++++ has 1 0 1 2 ++++++ hasq 1 0 1 2 ++++++ [[ 0 1 2 == *\ \1\ * ]] ++++++ EPATCH_SOURCE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/work/patch ++++++ EPATCH_SUFFIX=patch.bz2 ++++++ EPATCH_OPTS='-g0 -E --no-backup-if-mismatch' ++++++ EPATCH_EXCLUDE= ++++++ EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG= ++++++ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG='Applying various patches (bugfixes/updates) ...' ++++++ EPATCH_FORCE=no +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' versionator ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=versionator +++++ ECLASS=versionator +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' multilib ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=multilib +++++ ECLASS=multilib +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ '[' setup '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ setup != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes ++++++ [[ -z yes ]] ++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' ++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' ++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++ export CFLAGS_default ++++++ export LDFLAGS_default ++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_4 +++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 +++++ return 0 +++++ IUSE=elibc_FreeBSD +++++ export WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 +++++ WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 +++++ hasq 1 0 1 +++++ [[ 0 1 == *\ \1\ * ]] +++++ JAVA_PKG_PORTAGE_DEP='>=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ JAVA_PKG_E_DEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ hasq source +++++ [[ == *\ \s\o\u\r\c\e\ * ]] +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ JAVA_PKG_ALLOW_VM_CHANGE=yes +++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILER_DIR=/usr/share/java-config-2/compiler +++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILERS_CONF=/etc/java-config-2/build/compilers.conf +++++ JAVA_PKG_QA_VIOLATIONS=0 +++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-extra-env +++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV_VARS= +++++ JAVA_PKG_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-depend +++++ JAVA_PKG_OPTIONAL_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-optional-depend +++++ JAVA_PKG_BUILD_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-build-depend +++++ hasq java-pkg_die java-pkg_die +++++ [[ java-pkg_die == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\_\d\i\e\ * ]] ++++ retval=0 ++++ set +e +++++ shopt ++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++ return 0 ++++ set -f ++++ '[' set = set ']' ++++ export 'E_IUSE= elibc_FreeBSD elibc_FreeBSD' ++++ E_IUSE=' elibc_FreeBSD elibc_FreeBSD' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset DEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset RDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ unset __export_functions_3 ++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++ export ECLASS=java-ant-2 ++++ ECLASS=java-ant-2 ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ return 0 ++++ JAVA_ANT_E_DEPEND= ++++ [[ -z true ]] ++++ local ANT_TASKS_DEPEND +++++ java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend +++++ debug-print-function java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend +++++ str='java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend: entering function' +++++ shift +++++ debug-print 'java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend: entering function, parameters: ' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend: entering function, parameters: ' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'java-pkg_ant-tasks-depend: entering function, parameters: ' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ return 0 ++++ ANT_TASKS_DEPEND= ++++ [[ 0 != 0 ]] ++++ JAVA_ANT_E_DEPEND=' >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2' ++++ hasq java-pkg-opt-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\-\o\p\t\-\2\ * ]] ++++ hasq java-pkg-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\-\2\ * ]] ++++ DEPEND=' >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2' ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX=on ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_ALL=no ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_NAME=build.xml ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_TARGET_TAGS='javac xjavac javac.preset' ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_SOURCE_TAGS='javadoc javac xjavac javac.preset' ++++ JAVA_ANT_CLASSPATH_TAGS='javac xjavac' ++++ case "${EAPI:-0}" in ++++ : +++ retval=0 +++ set +e ++++ shopt +++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++ return 0 +++ set -f +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' set = set ']' +++ export 'E_DEPEND= >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2' +++ E_DEPEND=' >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage- >=sys-apps/portage- >=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.3.0-r2' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset DEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset RDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ unset __export_functions_2 +++ hasq java-ant-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\a\n\t\-\2\ * ]] +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++ export ECLASS=ant-tasks +++ ECLASS=ant-tasks +++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_1 +++ return 0 +++ EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_unpack src_compile src_install +++ '[' -z ant-tasks ']' +++ eval '__export_functions_1+="' src_unpack src_compile 'src_install"' ++++ __export_functions_1+=' src_unpack src_compile src_install' +++ ANT_TASK_JDKVER=1.4 +++ ANT_TASK_JREVER=1.4 +++ ANT_TASK_NAME=junit +++ ANT_TASK_DEPNAME=junit +++ ANT_TASK_PV=1.7.1 +++ [[ 1.7.1 == *beta2* ]] +++ [[ 1.7.1 == *_rc* ]] +++ MY_PV=1.7.1 +++ UPSTREAM_PREFIX=mirror://apache/ant/source +++ GENTOO_PREFIX=mirror://gentoo +++ MY_P=apache-ant-1.7.1 +++ DESCRIPTION='Apache Ant'\''s optional tasks depending on junit' +++ HOMEPAGE= +++ SRC_URI='mirror://apache/ant/source/apache-ant-1.7.1-src.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/ant-1.7.1-gentoo.tar.bz2' +++ LICENSE=Apache-2.0 +++ SLOT=0 +++ IUSE= +++ RDEPEND='>=virtual/jre-1.4 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1' +++ DEPEND='>=virtual/jdk-1.4 >=virtual/jre-1.4 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1' +++ version_is_at_least 1.7.1 +++ __versionator_shopt_toggle on +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=0 +++ case "$1" in +++ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]] ++++ shopt -p extglob +++ VERSIONATOR_OLD_EXTGLOB='shopt -u extglob' +++ shopt -s extglob +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=1 +++ return 0 +++ local want_s=1.7.1 have_s=1.7.1 r +++ version_compare 1.7.1 1.7.1 +++ __versionator_shopt_toggle on +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=1 +++ case "$1" in +++ [[ 1 -lt 1 ]] +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 +++ return 0 +++ local ver_a=1.7.1 ver_b=1.7.1 parts_a parts_b cur_idx_a=0 cur_idx_b=0 +++ parts_a=($(get_all_version_components "${ver_a}" )) ++++ get_all_version_components 1.7.1 ++++ __versionator_shopt_toggle on ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 ++++ case "$1" in ++++ [[ 2 -lt 1 ]] ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=3 ++++ return 0 ++++ local ver_str=1.7.1 result result_idx=0 ++++ result=() ++++ [[ '' == \1\.\7\.\1 ]] ++++ export VERSIONATOR_CACHE_VER_STR=1.7.1 ++++ VERSIONATOR_CACHE_VER_STR=1.7.1 ++++ [[ -n 1.7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=1 ++++ ver_str=.7.1 ++++ result_idx=1 ++++ [[ -n .7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=. ++++ ver_str=7.1 ++++ result_idx=2 ++++ [[ -n 7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=7 ++++ ver_str=.1 ++++ result_idx=3 ++++ [[ -n .1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=. ++++ ver_str=1 ++++ result_idx=4 ++++ [[ -n 1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=1 ++++ ver_str= ++++ result_idx=5 ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ export 'VERSIONATOR_CACHE_RESULT=1 . 7 . 1' ++++ VERSIONATOR_CACHE_RESULT='1 . 7 . 1' ++++ echo 1 . 7 . 1 ++++ __versionator_shopt_toggle off ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=3 ++++ case "$1" in ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 ++++ [[ 2 -lt 1 ]] ++++ return 0 +++ parts_b=($(get_all_version_components "${ver_b}" )) ++++ get_all_version_components 1.7.1 ++++ __versionator_shopt_toggle on ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 ++++ case "$1" in ++++ [[ 2 -lt 1 ]] ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=3 ++++ return 0 ++++ local ver_str=1.7.1 result result_idx=0 ++++ result=() ++++ [[ '' == \1\.\7\.\1 ]] ++++ export VERSIONATOR_CACHE_VER_STR=1.7.1 ++++ VERSIONATOR_CACHE_VER_STR=1.7.1 ++++ [[ -n 1.7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=1 ++++ ver_str=.7.1 ++++ result_idx=1 ++++ [[ -n .7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=. ++++ ver_str=7.1 ++++ result_idx=2 ++++ [[ -n 7.1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=7 ++++ ver_str=.1 ++++ result_idx=3 ++++ [[ -n .1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=. ++++ ver_str=1 ++++ result_idx=4 ++++ [[ -n 1 ]] ++++ case "${ver_str:0:1}" in ++++ result[$result_idx]=1 ++++ ver_str= ++++ result_idx=5 ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ export 'VERSIONATOR_CACHE_RESULT=1 . 7 . 1' ++++ VERSIONATOR_CACHE_RESULT='1 . 7 . 1' ++++ echo 1 . 7 . 1 ++++ __versionator_shopt_toggle off ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=3 ++++ case "$1" in ++++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 ++++ [[ 2 -lt 1 ]] ++++ return 0 +++ local inf_loop=0 +++ true +++ inf_loop=1 +++ [[ 1 -gt 20 ]] +++ local cur_tok_a=1 +++ local cur_tok_b=1 +++ [[ -n 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_a=1 +++ [[ . == \. ]] +++ cur_idx_a=2 +++ [[ -n 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_b=1 +++ [[ . == \. ]] +++ cur_idx_b=2 +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ cur_tok_a=1 +++ cur_tok_b=1 +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ [[ 1 -lt 1 ]] +++ [[ 1 -gt 1 ]] +++ true +++ inf_loop=2 +++ [[ 2 -gt 20 ]] +++ local cur_tok_a=7 +++ local cur_tok_b=7 +++ [[ -n 7 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_a=3 +++ [[ . == \. ]] +++ cur_idx_a=4 +++ [[ -n 7 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_b=3 +++ [[ . == \. ]] +++ cur_idx_b=4 +++ [[ -z 7 ]] +++ cur_tok_a=7 +++ cur_tok_b=7 +++ [[ -z 7 ]] +++ [[ -z 7 ]] +++ [[ 7 -lt 7 ]] +++ [[ 7 -gt 7 ]] +++ true +++ inf_loop=3 +++ [[ 3 -gt 20 ]] +++ local cur_tok_a=1 +++ local cur_tok_b=1 +++ [[ -n 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_a=5 +++ [[ '' == \. ]] +++ [[ -n 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ cur_idx_b=5 +++ [[ '' == \. ]] +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ cur_tok_a=1 +++ cur_tok_b=1 +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ [[ -z 1 ]] +++ [[ 1 -lt 1 ]] +++ [[ 1 -gt 1 ]] +++ true +++ inf_loop=4 +++ [[ 4 -gt 20 ]] +++ local cur_tok_a= +++ local cur_tok_b= +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ cur_tok_a= +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ cur_tok_b= +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ break +++ local letter_a= +++ letter_a= +++ [[ 0 -eq 1 ]] +++ letter_a=@ +++ local letter_b= +++ letter_b= +++ [[ 0 -eq 1 ]] +++ letter_b=@ +++ [[ @ < @ ]] +++ [[ @ > @ ]] +++ local suffix rule part r_lt r_gt +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=alpha +++ r_lt=1 +++ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=3 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=beta +++ r_lt=1 +++ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=3 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=pre +++ r_lt=1 +++ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=3 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=rc +++ r_lt=1 +++ [[ 1 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=3 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=p +++ r_lt=3 +++ [[ 3 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=1 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ for rule in '"alpha=1"' '"beta=1"' '"pre=1"' '"rc=1"' '"p=3"' '"r=3"' +++ suffix=r +++ r_lt=3 +++ [[ 3 -eq 1 ]] +++ r_gt=1 +++ local suffix_a= +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_a[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ local suffix_b= +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 7 != 7 ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ . != . ]] +++ for part in '${parts_b[@]}' +++ [[ 1 != 1 ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ [[ -z '' ]] +++ continue +++ __versionator_shopt_toggle off +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=2 +++ case "$1" in +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=1 +++ [[ 1 -lt 1 ]] +++ return 0 +++ return 2 +++ r=2 +++ case $r in +++ __versionator_shopt_toggle off +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=1 +++ case "$1" in +++ VERSIONATOR_RECURSION=0 +++ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]] +++ eval shopt -u extglob ++++ shopt -u extglob +++ return 0 +++ return 0 +++ DEPEND='>=virtual/jdk-1.4 >=virtual/jre-1.4 ~dev-java/ant-core-1.7.1 !dev-java/ant-tasks' +++ RESTRICT=test +++ S=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/work/apache-ant-1.7.1 ++ retval=0 ++ set +e +++ shopt ++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on fa++ source /etc/portage/bashrc +++ [[ dev-java/ant-junit == sys-apps-test/portage-test ]] ++ set +x ++ source /usr/portage/dev-java/ant-junit/ant-junit-1.7.1.ebuild +++ EAPI=1 +++ inherit ant-tasks +++ ECLASS_DEPTH=1 +++ [[ 1 > 1 ]] +++ [[ -n '' ]] +++ local location +++ local olocation +++ local x +++ local PECLASS= +++ local prev_export_funcs_var= +++ local B_IUSE +++ local B_DEPEND +++ local B_RDEPEND +++ local B_PDEPEND +++ '[' ant-tasks ']' +++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass +++ olocation= +++ export ECLASS=ant-tasks +++ ECLASS=ant-tasks +++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_1 +++ unset __export_functions_1 +++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' +++ [[ '' != *rm ]] +++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++ hasq ant-tasks toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \a\n\t\-\t\a\s\k\s\ * ]] +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ debug-print 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' +++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++ '[' 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' ']' +++ '[' '' == on ']' +++ '[' -n '' ']' +++ echo 'inherit: ant-tasks -> /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass' +++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++ shift +++ '[' '' ']' +++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass ']' +++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass == '' ']' +++ set -f +++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ '[' '' = set ']' +++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++ set +f +++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass ++++ shopt +++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++ local retval +++ source /usr/portage/eclass/ant-tasks.eclass ++++ JAVA_ANT_DISABLE_ANT_CORE_DEP=true ++++ JAVA_PKG_BSFIX_ALL=no ++++ inherit versionator java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 ++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=2 ++++ [[ 2 > 1 ]] ++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 2)' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ [[ -n ant-tasks ]] ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ local location ++++ local olocation ++++ local x ++++ local PECLASS=ant-tasks ++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_1 ++++ local B_IUSE ++++ local B_DEPEND ++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' versionator ']' ++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++ olocation= ++++ export ECLASS=versionator ++++ ECLASS=versionator ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ unset __export_functions_2 ++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ debug-print 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ']' ++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass == '' ']' ++++ set -f ++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++ shopt ++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++ local retval ++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++ retval=0 ++++ set +e +++++ shopt ++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++ return 0 ++++ set -f ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset DEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset RDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++ unset __export_functions_2 ++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] ++++ shift ++++ '[' java-pkg-2 ']' ++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass ++++ olocation= ++++ export ECLASS=java-pkg-2 ++++ ECLASS=java-pkg-2 ++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 ++++ unset __export_functions_2 ++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++ hasq java-pkg-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\-\2\ * ]] ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ debug-print 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' ++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++ '[' 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' ']' ++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++ echo 'inherit: java-pkg-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass' ++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++ shift ++++ '[' '' ']' ++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass ']' ++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass == '' ']' ++++ set -f ++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++ set +f ++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass +++++ shopt ++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++ local retval ++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-pkg-2.eclass +++++ inherit java-utils-2 +++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=3 +++++ [[ 3 > 1 ]] +++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 3)' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ [[ -n java-pkg-2 ]] +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ local location +++++ local olocation +++++ local x +++++ local PECLASS=java-pkg-2 +++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 +++++ local B_IUSE +++++ local B_DEPEND +++++ local B_RDEPEND +++++ local B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' java-utils-2 ']' +++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass +++++ olocation= +++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 +++++ unset __export_functions_3 +++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' +++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] +++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ debug-print 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' +++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++ '[' 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' ']' +++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++ echo 'inherit: java-utils-2 -> /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass' +++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ']' +++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass == '' ']' +++++ set -f +++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ++++++ shopt +++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++ local retval +++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass ++++++ inherit eutils versionator multilib ++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=4 ++++++ [[ 4 > 1 ]] ++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 4)' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ [[ -n java-utils-2 ]] ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ local location ++++++ local olocation ++++++ local x ++++++ local PECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 ++++++ local B_IUSE ++++++ local B_DEPEND ++++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' eutils ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=eutils ++++++ ECLASS=eutils ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: eutils -> /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/eutils.eclass +++++++ inherit multilib portability +++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=5 +++++++ [[ 5 > 1 ]] +++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' +++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' ']' +++++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 5)' +++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ [[ -n eutils ]] +++++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++++ local location +++++++ local olocation +++++++ local x +++++++ local PECLASS=eutils +++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++++ local B_IUSE +++++++ local B_DEPEND +++++++ local B_RDEPEND +++++++ local B_PDEPEND +++++++ '[' multilib ']' +++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ olocation= +++++++ export ECLASS=multilib +++++++ ECLASS=multilib +++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 +++++++ unset __export_functions_5 +++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' +++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] +++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' +++++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' +++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' +++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' +++++++ set -f +++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++++ shopt +++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++++ local retval +++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes ++++++++ [[ -z '' ]] ++++++++ inherit toolchain-funcs ++++++++ ECLASS_DEPTH=6 ++++++++ [[ 6 > 1 ]] ++++++++ debug-print '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' ++++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++++ '[' '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' ']' ++++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++++ echo '*** Multiple Inheritence (Level: 6)' ++++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++++ shift ++++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++++ [[ -n multilib ]] ++++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++++ local location ++++++++ local olocation ++++++++ local x ++++++++ local PECLASS=multilib ++++++++ local prev_export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++++ local B_IUSE ++++++++ local B_DEPEND ++++++++ local B_RDEPEND ++++++++ local B_PDEPEND ++++++++ '[' toolchain-funcs ']' ++++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass ++++++++ olocation= ++++++++ export ECLASS=toolchain-funcs ++++++++ ECLASS=toolchain-funcs ++++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_6 ++++++++ unset __export_functions_6 ++++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++++ hasq toolchain-funcs toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \t\o\o\l\c\h\a\i\n\-\f\u\n\c\s\ * ]] ++++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++++ debug-print 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' ++++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++++ '[' 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' ']' ++++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++++ echo 'inherit: toolchain-funcs -> /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass' ++++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++++ shift ++++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass ']' ++++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass == '' ']' ++++++++ set -f ++++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++++ set +f ++++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass +++++++++ shopt ++++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++++ local retval ++++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/toolchain-funcs.eclass +++++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_TOOLCHAIN_FUNCS=yes +++++++++ [[ -z yes ]] +++++++++ DESCRIPTION='Based on the toolchain-funcs eclass' ++++++++ retval=0 ++++++++ set +e +++++++++ shopt ++++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++++ return 0 ++++++++ set -f ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ unset IUSE ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++++ set +f ++++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++++ unset __export_functions_6 ++++++++ hasq toolchain-funcs toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \t\o\o\l\c\h\a\i\n\-\f\u\n\c\s\ * ]] ++++++++ shift ++++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++++++ export ECLASS=multilib ++++++++ ECLASS=multilib ++++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 ++++++++ return 0 ++++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' ++++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' ++++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 ++++++++ export CFLAGS_default ++++++++ export LDFLAGS_default ++++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ++++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib ++++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ ++++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++++ retval=0 +++++++ set +e ++++++++ shopt +++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++++ return 0 +++++++ set -f +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset DEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset RDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++++ unset __export_functions_5 +++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' portability ']' +++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass +++++++ olocation= +++++++ export ECLASS=portability +++++++ ECLASS=portability +++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_5 +++++++ unset __export_functions_5 +++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' +++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] +++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] +++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ debug-print 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' +++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' +++++++ '[' 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' ']' +++++++ '[' '' == on ']' +++++++ '[' -n '' ']' +++++++ echo 'inherit: portability -> /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass' +++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ']' +++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass == '' ']' +++++++ set -f +++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass ++++++++ shopt +++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' +++++++ local retval +++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/portability.eclass +++++++ retval=0 +++++++ set +e ++++++++ shopt +++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++++ return 0 +++++++ set -f +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset IUSE +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset DEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset RDEPEND +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++++ unset PDEPEND +++++++ set +f +++++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++++ unset __export_functions_5 +++++++ hasq portability toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \p\o\r\t\a\b\i\l\i\t\y\ * ]] +++++++ shift +++++++ '[' '' ']' +++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++++++ export ECLASS=eutils +++++++ ECLASS=eutils +++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 +++++++ return 0 +++++++ DESCRIPTION='Based on the eutils eclass' +++++++ has 1 0 1 2 +++++++ hasq 1 0 1 2 +++++++ [[ 0 1 2 == *\ \1\ * ]] +++++++ EPATCH_SOURCE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/work/patch +++++++ EPATCH_SUFFIX=patch.bz2 +++++++ EPATCH_OPTS='-g0 -E --no-backup-if-mismatch' +++++++ EPATCH_EXCLUDE= +++++++ EPATCH_SINGLE_MSG= +++++++ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG='Applying various patches (bugfixes/updates) ...' +++++++ EPATCH_FORCE=no ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ hasq eutils toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \e\u\t\i\l\s\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' versionator ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=versionator ++++++ ECLASS=versionator ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: versionator -> /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/versionator.eclass ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ hasq versionator toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \v\e\r\s\i\o\n\a\t\o\r\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' multilib ']' ++++++ location=/usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ++++++ olocation= ++++++ export ECLASS=multilib ++++++ ECLASS=multilib ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_4 ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ '[' '' '!=' depend ']' ++++++ [[ '' != *rm ]] ++++++ [[ ebuild != \b\i\n\a\r\y ]] ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ debug-print 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ '[' '!' -d /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp ']' ++++++ '[' 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ']' ++++++ '[' '' == on ']' ++++++ '[' -n '' ']' ++++++ echo 'inherit: multilib -> /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass' ++++++ chmod g+w /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/eclass-debug.log ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ '[' '!' -e /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass ']' ++++++ '[' /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass == '' ']' ++++++ set -f ++++++ unset B_IUSE B_DEPEND B_RDEPEND B_PDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE DEPEND RDEPEND PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ qa_source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ shopt ++++++ local 'shopts=autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off' 'OLDIFS= ' ++++++ local retval ++++++ source /usr/portage/eclass/multilib.eclass +++++++ ___ECLASS_RECUR_MULTILIB=yes +++++++ [[ -z yes ]] +++++++ export 'MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86' +++++++ MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' +++++++ export DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 +++++++ export CFLAGS_default +++++++ export LDFLAGS_default +++++++ export CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu +++++++ export LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ LIBDIR_default=lib +++++++ export CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ CDEFINE_default=__unix__ +++++++ export KERNEL_ABI=amd64 +++++++ KERNEL_ABI=amd64 ++++++ retval=0 ++++++ set +e +++++++ shopt ++++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++++ return 0 ++++++ set -f ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset IUSE ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset DEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset RDEPEND ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ '[' '' = set ']' ++++++ unset PDEPEND ++++++ set +f ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ unset __export_functions_4 ++++++ hasq multilib toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 ++++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \m\u\l\t\i\l\i\b\ * ]] ++++++ shift ++++++ '[' '' ']' ++++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) ++++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) ++++++ export ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++++ ECLASS=java-utils-2 ++++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_3 ++++++ return 0 ++++++ IUSE=elibc_FreeBSD ++++++ export WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 ++++++ WANT_JAVA_CONFIG=2 ++++++ hasq 1 0 1 ++++++ [[ 0 1 == *\ \1\ * ]] ++++++ JAVA_PKG_PORTAGE_DEP='>=sys-apps/portage-' ++++++ JAVA_PKG_E_DEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++++ hasq source ++++++ [[ == *\ \s\o\u\r\c\e\ * ]] ++++++ [[ -n '' ]] ++++++ JAVA_PKG_ALLOW_VM_CHANGE=yes ++++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILER_DIR=/usr/share/java-config-2/compiler ++++++ JAVA_PKG_COMPILERS_CONF=/etc/java-config-2/build/compilers.conf ++++++ JAVA_PKG_QA_VIOLATIONS=0 ++++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-extra-env ++++++ JAVA_PKG_EXTRA_ENV_VARS= ++++++ JAVA_PKG_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-depend ++++++ JAVA_PKG_OPTIONAL_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-optional-depend ++++++ JAVA_PKG_BUILD_DEPEND_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1/temp/java-pkg-build-depend ++++++ hasq java-pkg_die ++++++ [[ == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\p\k\g\_\d\i\e\ * ]] ++++++ EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS=' java-pkg_die' +++++ retval=0 +++++ set +e ++++++ shopt +++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] +++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] +++++ return 0 +++++ set -f +++++ '[' set = set ']' +++++ export 'E_IUSE= elibc_FreeBSD' +++++ E_IUSE=' elibc_FreeBSD' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset IUSE +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset DEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset RDEPEND +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ '[' '' = set ']' +++++ unset PDEPEND +++++ set +f +++++ [[ -n '' ]] +++++ unset __export_functions_3 +++++ hasq java-utils-2 toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 +++++ [[ toolchain-funcs portability java-pkg-2 java-utils-2 versionator multilib ant-tasks eutils java-ant-2 == *\ \j\a\v\a\-\u\t\i\l\s\-\2\ * ]] +++++ shift +++++ '[' '' ']' +++++ (( --ECLASS_DEPTH )) +++++ (( ECLASS_DEPTH > 0 )) +++++ export ECLASS=java-pkg-2 +++++ ECLASS=java-pkg-2 +++++ __export_funcs_var=__export_functions_2 +++++ return 0 +++++ IUSE= +++++ DEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ RDEPEND='>=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' +++++ [[ dev-java = dev-java ]] +++++ [[ ant-junit = commons-* ]] +++++ case "${EAPI:-0}" in +++++ EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_compile pkg_preinst +++++ '[' -z java-pkg-2 ']' +++++ eval '__export_functions_2+="' pkg_setup src_compile 'pkg_preinst"' ++++++ __export_functions_2+=' pkg_setup src_compile pkg_preinst' ++++ retval=0 ++++ set +e +++++ shopt ++++ [[ autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off != autocd off cdable_vars off cdspell off checkhash off checkjobs off checkwinsize off cmdhist on compat31 off compat32 off dirspell off dotglob off execfail off expand_aliases on extdebug on extglob off extquote on failglob off force_fignore on globstar off gnu_errfmt off histappend off histreedit off histverify off hostcomplete on huponexit off interactive_comments on lithist off login_shell off mailwarn off no_empty_cmd_completion off nocaseglob off nocasematch off nullglob off progcomp on promptvars on restricted_shell off shift_verbose off sourcepath on xpg_echo off ]] ++++ [[ != \ \ \ ]] ++++ return 0 ++++ set -f ++++ '[' set = set ']' ++++ export 'E_IUSE= elibc_FreeBSD ' ++++ E_IUSE=' elibc_FreeBSD ' ++++ '[' set = set ']' ++++ export 'E_DEPEND= >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++ E_DEPEND=' >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++ '[' set = set ']' ++++ export 'E_RDEPEND= >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-' ++++ E_RDEPEND=' >=dev-java/java-config-2.1.9-r1 >=sys >>> Failed to emerge dev-java/ant-junit-1.7.1, Log file: >>> '/var/log/portage/dev-java:ant-junit-1.7.1:20100523-164729.log'