Hi All,

I am getting a bit confused from the messages that I receive in my gmail 
account sent from my crontab.

First, is related to the title which is:

 Cron <root@mylaptop> test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons

I am not sure what this "test -x" part represents?

The second question is related to the output of chkrootkit, which is run by 
the cron.weekly and emails stuff that don't make much sense to me:
(C) the VideoLAN VLC media player developersLicensed under the terms of the 
GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.Freebox TV listing (French ISP 
free.fr services)http/shout-
limitShoutcastShoutcast radio 
listingsservices_discoveryshoutcastShoutcastTVShoutcast TV 
listingsshoutcasttvfrenchtvFrench TVFreeboxfreeboxStarting FreeboxStarting 
FrenchTVStarting ShoutTVStarting ShoutRadiono-playlist-
autostartItemAddedShoutcast RadioShoutcast TVFreebox TVvlc://nopCanal +Les 
Guignolshttp-forward-cookieszRL«ACF0lsJG ,A¤,A¼,AÔ)AìOG0$OL@4DûBBB E(A0A8D@|
GCC: (Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.0, pie-10.1.5) 
stack @&12@2s

Now I happened to notice that the above legible references to vlc are from the 
"services discovery" list that the vlc player shows under Media/Services.  Not 
sure what they are doing in chckrootkit ... is it telling me that it just 
scanned all such content?  When I run it manually it looks just the same and 
follows a long output following "Searching for suspect PHP files..."  I am not 
sure I understand why chkrootkit is emailing these to me and if I need to do 
something about it.