On Tue, 04 May 2010 11:00:01 +0200, Helmut Jarausch wrote about [gentoo-user] emerge --update - why doesn't it update my kde packages: [snip] >Still, eix confirmed there were quite a lot of kde packages which have >newer versions, and indeed, >emerge -auv1 -j4 --keep-going $(qlist -IC kde-base/) >upgraded 24 packages. > >Where does this discrepancy come from? I think Portage does not consider packages that are not in your world file, if the update is on world (or system). To overcome this, I wrote a little script, called update_orphans.sh. Here it is: <-------cut-----------> update_orphans.sh <----------cut-------------> #!/bin/sh eix -u | gawk '/^\[U\] / { print $2; }' | xargs -r emerge -v1uD exit $? <-------cut-----------><--------cut------><----------cut-------------> I run it immediately after the main emerge, when I have rsync'ed the Portage tree. -- Regards, Dave [RLU #314465] ====================================================================== dwnoon@ntlworld.com (David W Noon) ======================================================================