On Monday 19 April 2010 01:28:00 Harry Putnam wrote: > I should have mentioned that after posting the OP, I discovered I've > had that stanza in xorg.conf for mnths... I forgot I had taken it from > a post by Florien P., but I do not get the use of Ctrl+alt+bkspk to > quit X. > > I guess it works for you though eh, Mick? > ------- --------- ---=--- --------- -------- > From xorg.conf: > > Section "InputDevice" > > Identifier "Keyboard1" > Driver "kbd" > # [HP 100709_111603 From post on gentoo.user > ## From: Florian Philipp > ## Subject: Re: Fed up with Xorg + hal mess > ## Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 19:22:46 +0200 > ## Message-ID: <4ACB7CE6.10704@f_philipp.fastmail.net> > ## Restablishes Ctrl-Alt-Bkspc to quit X > Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" I do not use xorg.conf anymore to be honest. I do however (still) use hal and the stanza recommended works for me. If you are using hal then it may be an idea to try to use the fdi files to define this keyboard entry and see if it works. -- Regards, Mick