On Saturday 17 April 2010 00:51:39 Harry Putnam wrote: > Mick writes: > > Hi All, > > > > Is there a (native) way to configure sendmail to send messages via a > > secondary smtp account, if dor some reason the primary ISP smtp is > > down, without some bespoke DIY script? > > Not give you the runaround, and there may well be some sendmail > experts here... but I think your question is more likely to get a > really helpful response if you put it on comp.mail.sendmail. > > You might get an answer from Per Hedlund or one of the other heavy > hitters there. > > I've used sendmail for yrs but just on homeboy little local lans. > > I'd be surprised if there is not some well trod way to do what you are > asking. Sendmail is probably the most widely used MTA around so it > seem really likely that problem has been dealt with in some way. For the purpose of posterity: The way to set up a fall back host is to use confFALLBACK_SMARTHOST to define a fall back smtp server. -- Regards, Mick