On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:00:02 +0100, Willie Wong wrote about Re: [gentoo-user] what's wrong with rsync 3.0.6?: >On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 02:15:08PM +0000, David W Noon wrote: >> You run your emerge --sync jobs by hand?!!! > >Why is that surprising? Because emerge jobs produce copious amounts of output that is difficult to read as it scrolls past. I much prefer the cron daemon or at daemon to send me the output as email, so I can scroll backwards and forwards through it at my leisure. >My laptop does not have an always-on internet >connection, nevermind it sits silently and off for most of the day. I >"sync by hand" when I have time, roughly twice each week. Well, when your laptop is powered off the cron daemon won't run the emerge jobs, so that's really a non-issue. -- Regards, Dave [RLU #314465] ====================================================================== dwnoon@ntlworld.com (David W Noon) ======================================================================