Am Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009 schrieb Bruce Hill: > On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 04:36:45PM -0500, Albert Hopkins wrote: > > FWIW, I have a Logitech mouse with a wheel that scrolls up and down, > > presses down, and clicks left and right. All seem to work fine, except > > I don't use the latter as I haven't found any purpose for it although I > > could possibly see it replacing ALT-Tab. Nah... to confusing. > > > > -a > > What settings do you use for all those events? I have a mouse with > right/left buttons, scroll wheel that also tilts right/left, and two side > buttons. Nothing works atm but regular right/left, scroll wheel to scroll > and press to paste, and side buttons. So scroll wheel tilt does nothing. Unlike Windows, where I'd have to download a 50 Meg file from logitech to make the tilt wheel work, everything's there in Xorg, and mplayer automatically uses the left and right click to skip forward and backward. Horizontal scrolling in browser windows works as well - out of the box. Isn't linux great :-) -- Gruß | Greetings | Qapla' UNIX is not user-unfriendly. It just expects the user to be a little more computer-friendly.