On Thursday 08 October 2009, Daniel Quinn wrote: > On October 7, 2009 10:30:23 pm Mick wrote: > > What's the best way to reformat a USB stick? > > The thing about USB sticks is that if you want to use them to transfer > files cross-platform (Windows & Mac as well as Linux) you have to use a > common filesystem. Typically, I use FAT32 for this since I don't think > Windows supports anything else that Linux and Mac can both deal with (NTFS > support in Linux is still unavailable on most machines) > > So, if you're going to go with FAT32, you can use fdisk to partition your > stick as usual, and mark it as type "b" (Win95 FAT32) (there's a few > options related to FAT32 in there, but I *think* that that's the right > one). Write to the stick and exit fdisk. > > Then when you're back at the prompt, run: > > # mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 > > ...if sda is in fact your key. You can even add "-L LabelName" to attach a > label to the stick: > > # mkfs.vfat -L "USB Stick" /dev/sda1 > > I'm pretty sure spaces are ok there... If not, nuke the space ;-) Thanks for this. I was thinking that mkdos -F 16 would restore the original, rather than a different version. The stick will be used in MSWindows mainly. -- Regards, Mick