This is very OT, but maybe I can finde some suggestions here. I've got a gentoo server running on a VPS from linode . I'm using the basic plan (linode 360) and I'm happy with that. The plan gives me 16gb storage that is enough for the webserver to work and to store a lot user documents (PDF mostly) in the site. Now an user asked me to store online his bibliography that it's about 96gb and growing. A realtively cheap solution would be to store at home his documents (well protected and backupped), on a dedicated nas. The matter is that my isp doesn't give me a lot of upload bandiwidth (while I can download more than 1mb/s I can't upload more than 50k/s). This might become kinda annoying if the user is on the other side of the world and wants to show to a collegue a 190mb pdf. I could also upgrade my linode to a linode 2880, that would give me enough space (128GB instead of 16) but will also cost me much more ($159.95 per month instaed of $19.95). This is due to the fact that they will also increase my ram and data transfer (that I don't need). Is anyone aware of a off site storage solution that could satisfay my needs? Thank you in advance and sorry for the OT --- TopperH