On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 02:15:54 -0700 (PDT) Jon Hardcastle wrote: > I am looking at ways to increase the drive capacity of my machine. It has 4 in built sata ports, and currently 2 off the PCI port - which is only sata 150 - this has proved a troublesome route. I have the option of a 2 port sata-300 off the 1 pci-express I have but I was looking to increase slightly more than that. to a total of 8. > > I have come across Sata Port Multiplying before and saw the support was abit weak. I have come back to it again. > > i am lookin at this bad boy. > > [Lycom ST-158 SATA II-3Gbps 1-To-5Ports H/W RAID Host Adapter] > http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Lycom-ST-158-SATA-II-3Gbps-1-To-5Ports-H-W-RAID-Host-Adapter > > Can anyone advise if they have any experience in this area? Or indicate some level of success failure? (it is £50 so i dont want to buy it unless there is a reasonable chance of success! I believe this card should present all the disks connected to it as a single device (disk) to the controller it's 1-sata plugged in to, so there should be no problems with support as the whole thing is transparent to software. Alas, I've only heard of such devices, but never used one and I have no clue about the performance. -- Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net