Am Mittwoch 01 Juli 2009 12:40:20 schrieb Alex Schuster: > The last two PCs (A and B) I installed are fully encrypted. I used > different methods. I used genkernel --luks --lvm --install all to create > kernel and initramfs. First, see one of my replies to David Shen's thread "Self created initramfs cannot work" from last saturday. It has my init(ram)fs creation scripts attached. > I like to have everything as kernel modules, but the > crypto stuff has to be directly in the kernel, unless I put these modules > into the initramfs by hand. It doesn't make much sense to compile things as module which are needed right after (or even for) booting. The reason distributions do this is to give the most possible flexibility and useability on as much different systems as possible. having said that, you can even do w/o initramfs, just put everything into /boot (which should be a separate partition, then). Again, see my reply to David for the details. > A: LVM -> LUKS > Many partitions make two volume groups with many LVMs. Each LVM is LUKS- > encrypted. This gives me maximum flexibility, who knows what other OSes I > might need to install on that drive. The boot partition is on a USB stick > and also holds the key. Why? LUKS means Linux Unified Key Storage. No need to store the key elsewhere. Put a password based key on the root LV and encrypt everything else with a random key you put somewhere into /etc (I use /etc/crypt/keyfile). > This did not work out of the box, I had to modify > /lib/rcscripts/addons/ in order to open the other > partitions than swap and root. Then you did something wrong. It works out of the box. > I need to add something to close them when > shutting down, but it seems to work fine without this for the moment. Do > you know if there already is a solution for this? Well, it works fine here, so yes, there is. > B: LUKS -> LVM > A simpler approach. sda1 is a small boot partition, sda2 (the rest of the > drive) is a LUKS-formatted LVM physical volume with volume group 'pvcrypt' > on it. This does not work yet, the initramfs does not find the LVM. Because in Gentoo, only A is implemented/supported. HTH... Dirk