On Mon, 08 Jun 2009 09:50:09 +0200 Rod wrote: > For this package and everything else I wish to apply, this is > locking my system in time so I can no longer upgrade any software ;o( You can use "emerge --keep-going" flag for portage-2.2 or "emerge --resume --skip-first" for earlier versions to update everything else. There's also some simple sh-scripts for emulating "--keep-going" functionality for earlier portage versions. I can't remember any specific names, but I'm sure google should be able to help here. If the problem is specific to this exact version of package (gmp usually builds, but 4.3.1 fails) and the update itself is not critical to you (like when you don't even know what it'll bring) then you can just ignore it altogether - there's a good chance 4.3.2 or 4.4.0 or whatever-next-version-is will compile cleanly. -- Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net