On Wed, 27 May 2009 16:28:35 -0400, Wyatt Epp wrote:

> You know, I wonder if that's not a bug?  There is no eselect module for
> setting your python version,


% eselect python help
Manage the /usr/bin/python and python.1 man symlinks.
Usage: eselect python <action> <options>

Standard actions:
  help                      Display help text
  usage                     Display usage information
  version                   Display version information

Extra actions:
  list                      List installed python interpreters
  set                       Set active python interpreter.
  show                      Show the active python interpreter
  update                    Switch to the most recent CPython.
    --if-unset                Do not override existing implementation
    --ignore SLOT             Ignore SLOT when setting symlinks

> and there's no entry for that symlink in
> the CONTENTS for these packages.

If the symlink is created by eselect, even if eselect is called from the
ebuild's post_install function, it cannot be in CONTENTS because it
wasn't there when that list was created.

Neil Bothwick

Did you know that eskimos have 17 different words for linguist ?