Am Sonntag, 22. März 2009 02:17:53 schrieb Mike Diehl: > Ok now, I'm getting fed up with all of the breakage that I've seen in > Gentoo in the last few months. > > I'm trying to upgrade MythTV. Emerge told me to upgrade my profile, which > I did. > > Now I'm doing an emerge -u world. > > But before I could do that, I had to upgrade portage, with made sense. > > When I go to emerge -u portage, I'm told: > > sys-apps/mktemp (is blocking sys-apps/coreutils-7.1) > > So I do: > emerge -C mktemp Depending on which package you unmerge before the blocker is resolved, this can break your system. This is while paludis and newer versions of portage can be told to resolve blockers automatically. > Has Gentoo become such a moving target that it's no longer suitable for > normal, every day, usage? Not if you keep it up to date. Then, even a ~arch system is relatively painless to use. > I've got another machine that needs to be upgraded, but hasn't been > upgraded in some time. So it's profile is obsolete and many of the core > packages have been moved around so much that there is no upgrade path from > where it is now, to where Gentoo is. There always is. However, the longer the path, the more pitfalls may be on it. > Is it time to start looking for a new distribution? It seems that as long > as I keep rebuilding machines from a current live CD, all is well. ??? I don't understand. > But if > I try to upgrade anything else, I end up having to reformat. That also doesn't make sense. > I've been > using Gentoo long enough to have actually met Daniel Robbins in person, but > I'm considering moving to a different distribution. dito. > Remember, all I want to do is upgrade MythTV. So, then just do it. People here will help you to resolve the issues. Bye... Dirk