I have a home server running gentoo for personal use (irc, home entertainment, file server etc.). It is reachable from the internet using a dyamic dns service (dyndns.org). I also have another machine (running gentoo too) that I use as a web server. This machine uses dyndns.org, with a different name. Both machines connect to my modem/router via pppoe so they get 2 different IPs. This modem can also be configured to be used as a router so it connects directly to the internet and shares the same IP between the clients. What happens if I decide to switch to the "router" configuration? If I have a single IP for all the machines in the LAN, when someone from the outside will try to connect to homeserver.foo or to webserver.bar, will they be routed to the correct machine? Are there other setups I should look into? ======= TopperH =======