On November 12, 2008, Alan McKinnon wrote: > On Wednesday 12 November 2008 18:31:41 Dmitry S. Makovey wrote: > > Hi everybody, > > > > I've just updated to 4.1.3 (slotted alongside with 3.5.9) and all of > > sudden konqueror and akregator (didn't test much more, but I'm sure > > something else was broke too) stopped launching hinting that there is a > > CSS version mistmatch blah-blah-blah. Path to CSS suggested that 4.1.3 > > was using CSS from 3.5.9 which was bizzare since it was working before. > > > > so I checked my KDEDIRS environment variable and found out that kde-3.5 > > was listed there (no traces of kde-4.1) and to work around it I just > > applied little script that rewrites KDEDIRS to something more usefull (?) > > placing it under ~/.kde-4.1/env/kde4-kdedirs.sh: > > > > #!/bin/sh > > export KDEDIRS=/usr:/usr/local > > > > and this fixed it. Now my question is: is it something about my setup or > > it's happening to others too? Is there a "more proper" way to fix it? > > I had something similar on my first try: > > kde-4 went into /usr > kde-3 went into /usr/kde/3.5 > > And bizarre weird errors kept happening. I remerged all of kde-4 with > USE="kdeprefix" to put it back into /usr/kde/4.1 and all the weirdness went > away I've dealt with this in the past too. I'm pretty sure I have enabled "kdeprefix" before 4.1.3 merge. I know it's there now and emerge -uDNp world doesn't show anything to be rebuilt due to useflag change. :( -- Dmitry Makovey Web Systems Administrator Athabasca University (780) 675-6245