I am getting perplexed why WYSINWYG: I was trying to login to an ftp server from the CLI. Typing in the passwd failed every time. I then set it up as a network connection in Konqueror and I had no problem at all connecting using the same passwd. However, I noticed that some additional characters had been added by konqueror's interpretation of what the passwd ought to look like; e.g. Original passwd: XXXXXXX%02XXXX Konqueror passwd: XXXXXXX%2502XXXX Konqueror added 25 to it, after the percentage sign. True enough when I tried the augmented string as a passwd on the command line I was able to login fine. My terminal is TERM=rxvt and shell is SHELL=/bin/bash. Is there a way to simplify this confusion and allow what I type to login normally? Otherwise, where can I find what characters I should be typing in for all sort of symbols like "^&*[]<>#@" ? -- Regards, Mick