On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:15:39PM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote: > On Tuesday 28 October 2008 22:10:37 Momesso Andrea wrote: > > > Why not just have them view the ftp site in the browser? > > > > > > User's aren't stupid and can cope with stuff - they will see a hierarchy > > > of folders just like what they see in My Computer and might be asked for > > > a username and password - just like in gmail. > > > > > > What's the problem with such an arrangement? > > > > Hmmm... And how do they upload? > > Ahem. > > Allow me to introduce you to my good friend drag and his charming wife drop. Nice to meet them :P > > Browsers ARE ftp clients and know about ftp put and get just like they know > about http GET, PUT and POST. Caveat: Firefox needs a plugin and those > wonderful chaps who write IE7 helpfully removed this feature. Konqueror and > Nautilus JustDoIt(tm). > Most of the users I'm serving don't even know about about Konqueror and Nautilus... And if they have ever installed a firefox plugin, that is the one called "Bring The Porn". By they way I cannot cut away such a big part of the audience just because they don't have a compliant browser. > Your other option is that insanely convoluted method that phpBB forums use for > file uploads. Aunt Tillie has never yet been observed to understand what the > forum wants her to do with that function. > Egroupware has something similar to what I need, the just call it FileManager: "Managing files stored in the (VFS)? (virtual file system) based on files, sql-db or webdav." It gives the ability to upload files and stores in the database a lot of useful metadata (date of upload, name of uploader, short description, wether it is updated or not etc...).