On Wednesday 22 October 2008 19:32:08 Daniel Pielmeier wrote: > Please post again the output from emerge -pvutND world but attach it in > a file so it doesn't get crippled by the mail program. Attached. > Also what I have seen from your previous tree output is that you are > trying to do many things at one time. Upgrading to kde4 changing and > changing many use flags. This makes debugging very hard. Try to do only > one thing at a time That's only because one thing leads to another. All I wanted to do was to install KDE-4; everything else I've tried has been to enable that. Of course I do try to do only one thing at a time - I had half a lifetime of debugging of one kind or another. I started by running autounmask, as suggested by Neil B; that unmasked 81 packages. Then I tried to update world - 82 times: one for each other package that needed unmasking. At the end of that I had all the packages unmasked that were required for an upgrade to KDE-4, but I also had the blocker that started this conversation. I've been trying to find the conflict in dependencies ever since, with your help - thanks again. Here's another titbit: $ equery d '<=x11-libs/qt-4.4.0_alpha:4' [ Searching for packages depending on <=x11-libs/qt-4.4.0_alpha:4... ] app-text/poppler-bindings-0.8.7 (qt4? >=x11-libs/qt-4.3:4) x11-libs/qscintilla-2.1-r1 (qt4? =x11-libs/qt-4.3*:4) -- Rgds Peter