On Tue, 11. Mar, Peter Humphrey spammed my inbox with > > #Network configuration > > config_WLAN1=( " netmask broadcast >" ) > > routes_WLAN1=( "default via" ) > > dns_servers_WLAN1=( "" ) > > gateways_WLAN1=( "" ) > > The key difference here is that you've defined variables for the SSID of the > network link, where I would have used (was using) the interface to which > that link is attached. /etc/conf.d/*.example don't make this clear at all. That is autoconfiguration: When connected to the corresponding AP, it automatically chooses the corresponding configuration. If you use routes_wlan0 and similar, it always uses these settings. > > Also, I have a handy little script which ... stops the net.wlan0 > > initscript, unloads the iwl module and reloads the module. The initscript > > automatically restarts. > > It doesn't restart automatically here. That is strange. Have you, perchance, edited something in /etc/conf.d/rc regarding the hot-/coldplugging services? Regards, Jan -- thenybble.de/blog/ -- four bits at a time