On Mon, 10. Mar, Sergey Kobzar spammed my inbox with > Hi Jan, > > Monday, March 10, 2008, 10:33:32 PM, you wrote: > > >> My kernel is Linux 2.6.24-gentoo-r3. > >> Unfortunately I can't emerge iwlwifi (but maybe it's not required?): > > Yes, with 2.6.24, iwlwifi is not required anymore. > > Looks like iwl3945-ucode firmware required only. Yep > > But during startup I get: > > * Starting wpa_supplicant on wlan0 ... > ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported > WEXT auth param 4 value 0x0 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported [ ok ]th param 5 value 0x1 - > * Starting wpa_cli on wlan0 ... [ ok ] > * Backgrounding ... > > Looks like I just have to ignore it? Yeah, same here. But doesn't seem to be a problem. Oh, and a technicality: Since I (and anyone else on this list) is probably subscribed to the list, it should suffice to just send a mail to the list and not send one to me and cc the list. I was just a bit suprised when I got your mail in my inbox... Regards, Jan -- thenybble.de/blog/ -- four bits at a time