On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 17:30:58 -0400, Philip Webb wrote: > I've got my new box booting correctly > & am c 30 % thro' re-merging all the pkgs listed by 'emerge -ep > system', some of which were installed from Stage 3, but now have later > versions. I never fall for 'emerge world' or 'emerge system': You don't trust emerge system, but you are 30% through emerge system? > there are far too many tales of woe on this list due to such trust Bad news travels, good news stays put. Think how noisy this list would gt if everyone posted every time they had a successful emerge! > BTW there have been 3 glitches so far: > (1) it refused to compile 'sandbox' with some error; this is often fixed by 'FEATURES="-sandbox" emerge -1 sandbox', as mentioned in the elog output. > (2) it can't find 'revdep-rebuild' despite saying I should run it ! emerge gentoolkit, doesn't the message that tells you to run it tell you how to get it? > (3) 'busybox' doesn't default to 'static' as on my current machine. Do you have busybox in /etc/portage/package.use on your current machine? -- Neil Bothwick Borg -- James Borg -- licensed to assimilate.