On Wednesday 01 August 2007 00:03, Daniel Pielmeier wrote: > There is ionice. It is part of sys-process/schedutils which is in portage. > > There is a manpage here http://linux.die.net/man/1/ionice as it is not > included in schedutils. > > You can also take alook at > http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-462230.html. It is a forum thread > about ionice. > > Just for your information: > > Ionice is also part of the util-linux-ng-2.13 the replacement for > util-linux which is in portage but currently without keywords. > > The stable version 2.12r-r7 is the old util linux where ionice is not > included. > So you have to use 2.13_rc2 which is util-linux-ng but there is always a > reason why there are no keywords! Thank you all guys, I'll use it and see if cfq fully fits into my needs. -- best regards, Aleksey V. Kunitskiy my public GPG/PGP key: http://www.alexey-kv.org.ua/pubkey.asc