Am Dienstag, 17. Juli 2007 schrieb Samir Faci: > So, I have a gentoo install that's slowly evolved over the past 3 years > or so years. It's now so cluttered with packages, it's becoming > ridiculous, especially for a headless server. What I'd like to do is be > able to remove all KDE/Gnome/X/gtk/qt/...etc out of the machine and not > have it break the machine completely. You've already recieved some answers how to do it with portage. Here's how you can do it with paludis: 1) revise your use flags (remove X, kde, ...) 2) export PALUDIS_OPTIONS="--dl-reinstall if-use-changed" 3) update world: paludis -i world 4) remove unneeded packages: paludis --uninstall-unused 5) remove all packages you don't want anymore: paludis --uninstall --with-unused-dependencies ... 6) revdep-rebuild (make sure you have the paludis-enabled version). HTH... Dirk