On Monday 16 July 2007, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote about 'Re: [gentoo-user] 2 to 3??': > On Montag, 16. Juli 2007, Jerry McBride wrote: > > On Monday 16 July 2007 08:15:43 am Mark Shields wrote: > > Personally... reading what I have about the gpl 3.0 , I'd be pretty > > comfortable having Gentoo/Portage moved to it. > > > > It offers a lot of protection that gpl 2. does not. > > > > Anyway, if it makes Microsoft "catch up" then it must be good. Actually, we should encourage commercial entities to participate the in Free Software movement, including letting them retain the ability to charge for providing software, as long as they are willing to let users of the software retain their four freedoms. Microsoft has made some movement in this direction... > it takes away freedom - I am not sold to that 'must be good' aspect. Okay, this is off-topic, but it only takes away the freedom to take away users' freedoms, something the GPL has always done. BSD doesn't take away any freedoms, but I'm unconvinced that it's a good thing for Free Software to be able to be "locked up". *I* think the GPLv3 is better, and that it would be good to move KDE toward GPLv3/LGPLv3 licensing. However, that is a decision that the project will have to make as a group and it would require reimplementing or relicensing all the code licensed to the under the GPLv2. That's a tough sell. -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. bss03@volumehost.net ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' http://iguanasuicide.org/ \_/