On Thursday 07 June 2007 11:19:30 Mike Mazur wrote: > I've had this issue for a few days now... > > `emerge -pvuDN world` tells me that "x11-libs/libwnck-2.16.3 (masked > by: ~x86 keyword)". But when looking inside > /usr/portage/x11-libs/libwnck/libwnck-2.16.3.ebuild I see > KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 ~sh sparc x86 > ~x86-fbsd". I've done `emerge --sync` and `emerge --metadata`, but > still this persists. > > I've never come across such a situation before. How do I fix this? `rm > -rf /usr/portage/x11-libs && emerge --sync`, perhaps? An overlay? emerge --info ? -- Bo Andresen