> quoth the b.n.:
> > darren kirby ha scritto:
> > > Well, you can install RPM...
> > >
> > > # emerge -p rpm
> > >
> > > You could then, presumably, install the RPM, though I have not ever
> > > tried this:
> > > # rpm -i foopackage.i386.rpm
> >
> > I fear this way Portage would not be aware of the package being
> > installed. Am I wrong?
> >
> > m.
> I've no idea, but likely not. To tell the truth I was hoping the OP would
> be brave and find out ;)
> I was thinking he just had a one-off app he needed installed, and combined
> with some 'package.provided' alchemy he may be able to get the result he
> needed, however, in his response it seems this is not the case so...
> -d
> --
> darren kirby 

Maybe I should formulate another question: Where is the big difference between 
a binary ebuild and a binary rpm / deb and why is it so hard to convert them?