On Wednesday 11 April 2007 11:39:50 Daniel Iliev wrote: > Exactly what kind of damage are you talking about? Don't you think if > there was a real problem with -O3, gentoo devs would have excluded it as > an option, especially when they have an easy to apply mechanism for > doing that (I have in mind the "filter-flags" && "replace-flags" > functions in the ebuilds)? -O3 is replaced where necessary because it's supported by Gentoo. Unsupported flags are mostly not filtered as Gentoo devs don't wish to hide problems caused by stupid users. Bugs caused by unsupported flags are therefore mostly resolved invalid. [SNIP] > It is my opinion that the statements like "-O3 is wrong and can do damage" > is nothing but FUD. It's true if you don't use Gentoo ebuilds. -- Bo Andresen