On Monday 19 February 2007, "Mark Knecht" wrote about 'Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild question': > On 2/19/07, Alan McKinnon wrote: > > On Monday 19 February 2007, Mark Knecht wrote: > > > I'm not clear why revdep-rebuild is showing lots of broken > > > linkages but then telling me everything is in order and there is no > > > work to do to clean up the system. > > > > > > I haven't seen this before. What's causing it? > > > > They might be orphan binaries from a previous incomplete unmerge, or > > something locally compiled, or even files installed from a foreign > > package system (.tgz or .rpm perhaps?) > > Seems reasonable. Would I (Could I?) then do an equery depends on > each binary and assuming nothing depends on it remove them by hand > without causing damage? Probably want to do a (b)elongs instead of a (d)epends, but yes, assuming you aren't maintaining those binaries outside of portage's control. (E.g. locally compiled or from a foreign package system.) > I'd want to do another revdep-rebuild every so often to ensure that > things remained consistent. Yep. revdep-rebuild used to be part of my daily system maintenance script (and will be put back once I figure out a good way to use paludis instead of emerge for the remerge part). -- Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =. bss03@volumehost.net ((_/)o o(\_)) ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' http://iguanasuicide.org/ \_/ New GPG Key! Old key expires 2007-03-25. Upgrade NOW!