On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 09:04:51PM +0100, Penguin Lover Jakob Buchgraber squawked: > Is there any excellent monolingual dictionary available for (Gentoo) Linux? What do you mean by monoligual? (English to English? or other languages?) Anycase, I have on my desktop 'sdcv' installed. The last time I checked (about 18 months ago) it is not in portage. Not quite sure if it is now. http://sdcv.sourceforge.net/ It is a commandline interface for StarDict, and so can just use stardict's dictionaries. (Speaking of which, if you are willing to have a GUI, you can just emerge stardict; you would also need to emerge the dictionaries that you need, they are all under app-dicts with a stardict- prefix. There are also additional dictionaries that you can download on http://stardict.sourceforge.net/) On my laptop, I just run a dictd server (emerge dictd). You also need to install dictionary files, again, all under app-dicts/dictd-* For English to English, I suggest the WordNet dictionary. You can also, alternatively, just emerge wordnet. Personally, if you just need an English-English dictionary, I would suggest using wordnet. Dictd is a bit fancier, but you might not find it more useful (I personally find the elements database quite useful every now and then). If you need support for other languages, I would suggest StarDict. Also, you can just look into the portage tree under app-dicts and app-text HTH, W -- (aikamuotojen käyttö aikamatkustuksessa) "You can arrive (mayan arivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were when you return to your own time. (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome.) " Sortir en Pantoufles: up 53 days, 20:33 -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list