On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 03:21:14 -0500, John covici wrote: > 1) Any way to get a package list as one line per package like > debian's dpkg -l or rpm's rpm -qa ? The --info gives info about > the system, but does not seem to give a list of packages. equery, as already mentioned, or eix with the -i and -c options. > 2) How do I ensure that all dependencies of a package are updated -- > does --update --deep do this and would --update --deep world or > system do this? Lets say A depends on B which in turn depends on C. emerge --update world will update A and B, but not C unless A or B's updates REQUIRE a layer C. Adding --deep will update C too (and D,E,F...) > 3) Where are the packages listed for system? For instance I > installed coldplug and it installed pciutils, but that package is > not listed in world -- should it be? Or is it a system package? In your profile. the easiest way to list them is with "emerge -ep system". Emerging coldplug added it to your world file (/var/lib/portage/world). pciutils was installed as a dependency, so it is not listed in world (or system). If you uninstall coldplug (and any other packages depending on pciutils) emerge --depclean will remove pciutils , always use the -p option with depclean first. -- Neil Bothwick Did you hear about the blind prostitute? You have to hand it to her.