On Saturday 30 December 2006 19:02, alain.didierjean@free.fr wrote: > Lots of ebuilds fail when preparing docs (esound, hal...) with the > following message : > > Working on: > /var/tmp/portage/esound-0.2.36-r2/work/esound-0.2.36/docs/./esound.sgml > jade: error while loading shared libraries: libosp.so.4: cannot open shared > object file: No such file or directory # emerge --oneshot openjade http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62789 > I have a libosl.so.5. No, ln -s libols.so.5 libosl.so.4 doesn't work. > Can't find the package this libosl comes from. Where can I get it ? What is > it for ? The error message you've pasted doesn't say libosl. It's libosp. -- Bo Andresen