On Wednesday 29 November 2006 22:46, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Hans de Hartog wrote:
> > Just to stay close to what you're used to: how about good old mozilla?
> That's something that isn't clear to me: Is Mozilla still actively
> maintained? If so, what's the rationale for Firefox? I changed to
> Firefox because I assumed Mozilla was going to disappear... And why all
> the fuss about Firefox?


What's your LINGUAS set to? `emerge -vp mozilla-firefox` if in doubt? Also did 
you try the "Google.com in English" link? It's stored for me. (Perhaps it 
would help if you provided a link to the result page with useless brazilian 

Either way. The alternatives for X that I'm aware of are www-client/opera, 
kde-base/konqueror, www-client/seamonkey and www-client/epiphany. Seamonkey 
is the actively maintained replacement for Mozilla. Firefox was supposed to 
be a lightweight Mozilla that only does browsing as opposed to browsing, 
mailing, irc, calendar... I'd say they failed a bit with the lightweight bit. 
Hopefully it'll get better...

Personally I'm using firefox because I haven't figured out how to get any of 
the others to behave like I want them to. Konqueror, Epiphany and Opera are 
all a lot faster than Firefox though. Seamonkey I don't know about since I 
never really liked it.

Bo Andresen