On Wednesday 13 September 2006 19:53, David Grant wrote: > I didn't include it originally because it is long. :-) If you think it's too long compress it. If you still think it's too long don't send the mail at all... Just omitting it leaving us to guess at the issues is simply pointless. > I've attached it, hopefully this mailing list accepts attachments. If it > doesn't I will resend with a shorterned version. > > Thanks for the link to the bug. Well, what have you actually done with this? I mean it tells you to recompile all of the following: # emerge -va1 \ =sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1 \ =dev-libs/libpqxx-2.5.1 \ =media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.2-r2 \ =media-plugins/libvisual-plugins-0.2.0 \ =media-video/vlc-0.8.5-r5 Did you not try to recompile them? Or did they all fail for you? Or did you just give up when libpqxx failed? You know nothing prevents you from keywording libpqxx-2.5.5 (don't you know how to do that?) or running: # emerge --skipfirst to compile the rest...? In short: If you want help you really should provide more info about what you have done and where you didn't know what to do...! -- Bo Andresen