On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 20:06:13 -0400, Philip Webb wrote: > > Running testing, most packages wb recompiled within a month anyway. > > I have a lot of "testing" packages, which run without problems. That's different to running a completely testing system, the vast majority of your packages are still stable and thus, by definition, won't change very often. > A lot of outstanding bugs seem to affect only a few special users. > Yet again, Gentoo should make a 4th category by making "stable" = > "server" & splitting "testing" into "newly unmasked" & "desktop-ready": > many "testing" packages today are in fact desktop-ready, > ie the remaining bugs will be rare & easy to recover from. Remember that the distinction is not about bugs in the software but in the ebuilds. I think the current system is fine with a choice of a low maintenance system where working packages change rarely and one where you have access to closer to the bleeding edge. If you want true bleeding edge, you can always add packages to /etc/portage/package.mask. The control /etc/portage gives you makes multiple levels of ARCH unnecessary. You have already created your own set of "desktop-ready" packages by customising package.keywords. Someone else may have different requirements, let each user choose for themself. > > I wanted to see if the 'kdehiddenvisibility' flag made any difference > > What was your experience ? Do you recommend others (me) to use it ? I can't say I noticed a difference, but it mainly affects KDE startup time and that's something I rarely do, and don't hang around to watch. -- Neil Bothwick No program done by a hacker will work unless he is on the system.