On Monday 26 June 2006 10:45, Jure Varlec wrote: > sed -r 's/-[^-]+(-r[0-9]+)*$//' This was exactly what I was looking for. Since the following command did not produce any relevant output I can confirm that this works for everything currently in portage. # cd /usr/portage && \ find . -name '*.ebuild' | sed -e 's/\.ebuild$//' | \ awk -F/ '{print $2"/"$4}' | sed -r 's/-[^-]+(-r[0-9]+)*$//' | \ awk -F/ '{system("eix -C "$1" -e "$2" -c | grep -q ^Found\\ 1\\ matches || \ echo "$0)}' Thank you to everyone who replied. :) -- Bo Andresen