Good question. I also emerged mozilla 1.7.13 but it does not work. I can start it but it hangs when opening a page. I used epiphany but it does the same strange stuff. I installed the gnome 2.14 yesterday, may be something went wrong? ;)
Roman Zilka <rzilka@gvid.cz> schrieb:
> > A couple weeks ago I upgraded mozilla from 1.7.12-r? -> 1.7.13
> > on a box running gentoo-hardened@x86
> > (only lastest stable versions of packages installed).
> > Upon running the "mozilla" cmd I get the obligatory
> > "No running windows found" msg and that's all I see mozilla do.
> > Nothing shows up, no windows, no msgs.
> I have 1.7.13 installed on regular x86 & can start from the CLI :
> it shows your message above, but does open up & I can goto WWW sites.
> Is it some restriction in gentoo-hardened ?
Hmmm... So a question from another angle: is there anyone here running
gentoo-hardened with mozilla 1.7.13 functioning properly?
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