On Tuesday 25 April 2006 08:16 am, Daniel da Veiga wrote: > On 4/25/06, lordsauronthegreat@gmail.com wrote: > > More news: > > > > I successfully got GnuPG 1.9 installed, and then a new problem arose. > > Configuration. > > > > I went to http://kmail.kde.org/kmail-pgpmime-howto.html#gnupg and > > followed the instructions to the best of my ability, and yet I still get > > this: > > Following instructions means also changing some parameters to meet > your system specific needs. That means that if you go and type > everything on a tutorial without understanding it, you'll probably > issue an "rm -rf /*" because a malicious online tutorial told you to. Even I'm not quite that dumb ; ) I'm a webmaster with PHP5, I would know about the little rm -r thing. People like to slip "; rm -rf /" into web forms in hopes the input somewhere goes through a bash shell. In that event your server will commit suicide on all drives currently mounted. That's why we use special input strippers which yank such things as the semicolon out of the input to foil the plot. > Now, let's see, you're using GENTOO, and need help with GNUPG, > Googling "gentoo gnupg" brings, voilá: Well, after not finding anything about gpg in /usr/local/bin, I thought I'd try /usr/bin. It was a good attempt. > http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gnupg-user.xml > > > lsauron@localhost ~/.gnupg $ eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon)" > > gpg-agent[10716]: /home/lsauron/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:1: invalid option > > So, it reads the first line and don't understand it, so, the line is > WRONG for some reason. I gathered that much. > > so, ~lsauron/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf looks like this: > > > > lsauron@localhost ~ $ cat ~lsauron/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf > > gpg-agent /usr/bin/gpg-agent > > Ahm, so its wrong because it is NOT a configuration option, rather a > call for the file that should read and interpret it, who the heck > wrote this config file?! It was adapted from www.kmail.kde.org, so I sort of trusted them a bit. Not too far (since they were using a very "put your path here" thing and I made a guess at the path and was wrong - end of story). > Remove this line, PLEASE. I tried and it worked. No clue why.... I'll investigate later. Thanks. I wouldn't have figured out about deleting the line on my own (I don't often kill things and then see if the thing works, rather I try and mangle it until it does. It's just my method of approaching a problem).