On Monday 24 April 2006 02:42 pm, Abhay Kedia wrote: > On Sunday 23 April 2006 11:36, lordsauronthegreat@gmail.com wrote: > > through KGPG. The problem is that the GnuPG agent in the x86 area is > > version, yet KMail demands verison 1.9 > > The main problem is that gpg-agent has been "Package Masked" in favour of > gnupg-1.9.20-r1. So KMail demands next best alternative i.e. the keyword > masked gnupg-1.9.20. Just add it to your package.keywords and install it. > It is not causing any problems :) Call me stringent or just plain old a software Nazi, but for me if it doesn't work out-of-the-box something more needs to be done. Well, don't always listen to me on these things... my development group has a motto: "Nothing less than perfection." I don't like ultra-configuring things, though I don't mind it personally. However, to remain marketable, you do have to make sure that there is a way to do things without sending your user through a massive quest for the Holy Grail to make their email client work! I'm not mad, just rather surprised (I wasn't expecting something like this). Guess I've been spoiled by Debian's (horrifyingly stale) Stable distro. You find new stuff there about once every heavenly visitation, whether you need it or not. ; )