I've been trying to find why I am unable to use GnuPG-agent to sign my messages in KMail, and rather have to type in a password in all the time through KGPG. The problem is that the GnuPG agent in the x86 area is version, yet KMail demands verison 1.9 I don't think it wise to change to ~x86, yet I still would like to use GnuPG's agent. I think my options are as such: 1) Download version 1.9 from GnuPG's website and install it. Why haven't I done this? I don't know how to install something in Gentoo without it being as simple as emerge. I don't know how to install from a file on the hard drive. 2) Forget KMail and signing my messages and go back to GMail. 3) Continue typing in my password every time I send a email. 4) Hack my way through some older versions of KMail and rip out the demand for a new version of GnuPG and replace it with the older part of KMail that could work with 1.4. Not a fun idea, 'cause I want to go do other things. I find it curious that such a problem is living in current source repository for Gentoo. I'm positive this isn't intentional, but at very least I'd like to know if anything's being done to fix it. Plus, if GnuPG 1.9 is so experimental, then how can KMail need 1.9? It makes no sense to me... Thanks for your help!