On Saturday 15 April 2006 07:55 pm, Richard Fish wrote: > On 4/15/06, Rohit and Bhavana wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Is there anyone on the list who has the following configured on their > > workstations? > > > > * bootsplash giving them a nice picture at the startup [ in runlevel > > boot] I do that on my laptop. IBM X40 Type 2386-1CU with some weird Intel Extreme Graphics II chip I've never previously heard of and honestly don't want to see again (it really sucks - the X40's wonderfully light though, I'd reccommend it any day! Works perfectly with Linux, too!) > > * bootsplash giving them a nice picture later [ in runlevel default] You mean like the livecd-2006.0 theme? Where it has pretty framebuffer graphics and puts console at 1024x768 (a must-have, IMHO) but then has a picturized boot process? Yeah, I do that. Then by whacking F2 I can go back to the verbose process but still with the pretty graphics. The info you need is in http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_fbsplash (as reccommended to me by Bo Andresen). > > * Then X11 starting on their nvidia card configured with xf86 or > > xorg with X working in default runlevel On my server I'm working to get spash working with an nVidia card. The problems aren't from the nVidia card, however, but rather from Genkernel, which I find totally inferior to make in every way (why do I need to recompile the whole kernel every time? I know, I've been spoiled by only compiling what's changed). > > * Switching back to consol with control-alt-F[n] and being able to > > work without locking up your box - and without framebuffer > > corruption. Never had a problem here. When I kill X11 and KDM for a console login, it goes back to the beautified console, but sacrificing no functionality that I know of. > I have all of this working on my Dell e1705 laptop. Significant details: > > 2.6.15-suspend2-r8 > [ebuild R ] media-video/nvidia-kernel-1.0.8756 0 kB > [ebuild R ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.0.2-r3 USE="dri -debug -ipv6 > -minimal -xprint" 0 kB > > Also I use the vesafb-tng framebuffer driver. > > > If yes, then if you know anyone has everything working, I would be > > obliged to note the version numbers etc and any pointers. > > > > - not being clear about difference between gensplash and bootsplash > > [they seem to serve the same purpose] which one should I use on my > > system. Should I emerge one, or both or one of them and themes for both? I used splashutils with great success. I can't comment about any others though - I've never tried them. > I would suggest not dealing with bootsplash issues at this point, and > work on getting a stable framebuffer working. Once you have that, the > bootsplash side of things is pretty straight-forward. I'd reccommend that Wiki. I walked through it and came out alive, and with linux looking artful enough to shut up all the Windoze zealots that I am burdened to come into contact with.