On November 08 at 13:33 EST, Michael Shaw hastily scribbled: > What editor do people use for PHP and Perl development. I'm looking for > something with syntax highlighting and such, so that rules ut vi or gedit. I can offer three suggestions: 1. vim. If you set it up right (just a few lines in ~/.vimrc), it will do syntax highlighting properly. 2. jedit. It's java-based, but relatively light, supports many file types (although it is a tad Java-centric), and has good plugins. 3. bluefish. It's not language-centric, but I *think* it has PHP support (I might be wrong), and it's a good "web development" editor. Hope this helps. -- Thomas Tuttle A List Apart: For people who make websites. (www.alistapart.com) email: thinkinginbinary.com | www: http://thinkinginbinary.webhop.net/ aim: thinkinginbinary | jabber: thinkinginbinary.org