On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 20:03:45 +0200 "Eray Aslan" wrote: > Renat Golubchyk wrote: > > Anyway, why do you want to manage those programs yourself? > > > > Because of this patch for postfix: > http://sbserv.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb/postfix/duchovni/multi_instance.gz > > It makes managing / upgrading postfix with multi instances easier. > But it seems sticking with portage and managing the (infrequent) > upgrades by hand for the second instance of postfix is less work than > messing with ebuilds. You can copy the ebuild to your overlay and patch postfix from there. If you don't have to do anything else before compiling it then it's as trivial as "epatch /path/to/postfix.patch" somewhere in src_unpack(). Doing it this way has the benefit of letting portage manage your packages. You'll just have to keep an eye for upgrades, because they will probably come without this patch. If you want this patch to be included in postfix create a bug in bugzilla with the request. Cheers, Renat -- Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise loesen, durch die sie entstanden sind. (Einstein)