I think you can safely remove the orphaned folders, because anything that
needs the kernel source to compile, does so with the sources contained
within the folder that the /usr/src/linux symlink points to (make sure
it points to the kernel you're currently using).
Check out /lib/modules for orphaned folders as well.
To rebuild any packages that were compiled against an older kernel source, 
either use module-rebuild to update them (emerge module-rebuild)
, or run "emerge -va $(equery b /lib/modules | sed -e 's:^:>=:' )",
without the quotes.

On 17:49 lør 29 okt     , Jarry wrote:
> So, with your help I finally checked all software installed on my
> gentoo-server (thanks to everyone, who replied). There were a few
> gentoo-sources (I think 5 or 6 different versions), so I used
> "emerge --prune gentoo-sources" to leave only the last one.
> Then I checked /usr/src, and I see there are still 2 subdirectories:
> linux-2.6.12-gentoo-r6   (~50MB)
> linux-2.6.13-gentoo-r5   (~300MB)
> I'm surprised there is still 2.6.12-r6, because I unmerged it.
> Can I delete it? Will this not break some dependencies?
> Moreover, "emerge --pretend --prune" showed I have a few packages
> with more than one version:
> db (4.2.52_p2 , 1.85-r2)
> automake (1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.4_p6, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6-r1)
> freetype (2.1.9-r1, 1.3.1.-r4)
> autoconf (2.13, 2.59-r6)
> Can I unmerge all but the last versions? Strange is, emerge does
> not always want to leave the last version, for example it has
> marked db 4.2.52 as "selected" for unmerge, and 1.85 as "protected"
> (similar for freetype, 2.1.9 "selected", 1.3.1 "protected").
> So can I leave "emerge --prune" to do its job without breaking
> some dependencies? At least for automake and autoconf?
> Jarry
> --